Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Lifes Purpose...

As often as my pulses beat, I lay my life, my blood, my all at Jesus feet.

Monday, April 16, 2012


About 5 weeks ago our dog had 11 puppies. 2 died but we still have 9.
Here are 8..

and the loner of the bunch..

puppy kisses..

    Toria <3


Welcome. My reason for starting a blog:
1. I LOVE taking pictures and I take a lot of them. I wanted to actually do something with these pictures, but I didn't know what. I felt like all my pictures were going to waste. Finally a light bulb came on "Blog!"
2. Uploading pictures to a blog is so much easier then emailing them. Since I have a lot of family over seas that I don't get to see very often I want them to see what is going on in my life. So if you're following this sorry but most of my posts will probably be in Hungarian. 

Here are a few pictures to start off with. These are the kids I nanny for.  

I love them sooo much!!!