Thursday, May 24, 2018

Cat vs. Twa

David loves cats.

Victoria does not. 

If cat was a love language it would be David's number 1, nothing else would come close. Ok but in all seriousness though David  LOVES cats.  I don't mind them as long as they are outside and leave me alone. Not a huge issue except for the fact that David REALLY wants to have an basement cat someday, a cat that would live in the basementπŸ˜‘ the same house as me.....

This is what David thinks of when he thinks of indoor cat.....

This is what I think of.....

It has been something we have talked about for quite awhile, and though I was always very adamant about never letting a cat stay in the same house as me, in the back of my mind I thought, maybe someday I will surprise him with a basement know, to show him that I love him..that was until last night. 

We had been staying at my brother-in-law's house where they have, of all things, a basement cat.  They had left instructions that the cat wasn't allowed in the office and to keep the door at the bottom of the steps closed so the cat couldn't come upstairs. I had been on David's case most of the week about keeping the door closed, as he tended to forget. 

The kids had gone to bed and I was watching Netflix, while doing laundry on the floor in the living room, when I got a stomach ache. I laid down on the floor and then covered up with a blanket. A short time later, David came upstairs and asked if I would go down to see something he had been working on. I went down and after oh-ing and ah-ing over it appropriately, I went back upstairs, laid down on the floor, and continued watching my show while curled up with the covers up to my chin. A couple minutes later my eyes shifted for whatever reason and there, sitting not 2 feet from my face was the cat 😱😱😱😰😰😭😭😫😑

I, of course, reacted appropriately, sitting up quickly and giving off a little scream. Which in turn made the cat take off into the dark house. "SZIVEM!!"(what I call David). He comes charging upstairs to find a scared half to death, mad wife. The first thought I remember having after seeing the cat was "He didn't close the door again!!!" David stands there with a "who's dying look on his face" and one of the first words out of my mouth was "We will NEVER have a cat in our basement, EVER!" Soon followed by a "Why didn't you close the door?!" To which David replied "I've been sitting at the desk. I didn't open the door." Turns out I was the one that left it open this time 😬 oops..

Thankfully David found the cat hiding under the bed but not before the damage was done..David's dream of having a basement cat..well it will always stay just that..a dream.

I am thankful that cats are not a love language though..this way David will still know that I love him...right??

Sunday, May 6, 2018

What Happens to Sleep Deprived Parents..

I thought I would just go ahead and share some fun sleep deprived stories that happened after Reese was born. 
You will notice that for whatever reason all most of these are about David. And it is with his blessing that I post this :)

So we got to the hospital at 10:30pm and Reese was born at 4:06am. Once they got us moved to our new room and we finished letting people know the good news it was around 7:30am. We settled in for a little bit of sleep and got about 1.5 hour of sleep before they started coming in to do checks and what not. It was a long day of visitors coming and we loved every second of it but we were completely exhausted! By the time we all got settled for the night it was a little after 12am! My poor hubby was taking care of everything so I didn't have to get out of bed but at this point was having trouble thinking clearly. He finally crawled onto his bed and I hear him blow his nose. He then looks at me with a face completely filled with exhaustion and says "I just blew my nose in my hands."

The next couple stories take place a couple weeks after we came home from the hospital.

One night I came back to bed after feeding Reese and when I walk in I notice David's legs are pulled up (his knees pointing at the ceiling) and he is bouncing them while talking to himself. I started giggling and decided to see if I could get my sleep talking hubby to say anything funny. This is the conversation that followed.
*David was talking in a very sing-songy voice during this whole conversation*

Me - What are you doing?
David - Oh..I'm just consoling him.
Me - πŸ˜‚Oh really? 
David - Yeah..we're just talking it out.
Me: Talking about what??
David - About how much we love mommy. How happy we are to be here.
Now I'm a little foggy on the details here but it was something like this:
Me: You need to go back to sleep
David: But I have to help him
Me: He's not here.
David: Yes he is. 
Me: You're dreaming
David *still in a sing-songy voice*: What are you talking about? I'm awake.
Me: I don't believe you
David: But I am
Me: I won't believe you till we talk about this in the morning.
David: Why?
Me: Because he's not in here.
David: Yes he....oh.........

Come morning it turned out David was awake and remembered this entire conversation! He was so sure Reese was in his lap and he was just bouncing away to keep him happy!


A few nights later I crawled back into bed after taking care of Reese and David got up to go to the bathroom like he usually does. Only this time before walking away he leaned down over the bed and said "I'm just going to set him right here." and walked away. I just started laughing quietly to myself because I knew what he was thinking but didn't want to make him feel bad since it had just happened a few nights before. A couple seconds pass and he slowly walks back to the bed, shoulders slumped and says "There's no baby is there?" I tried so hard not to laugh while assuring him that no, Reese was in fact in his crib in the next room. 

This next one isn't a sleep deprivation story but I found it equally funny.
I don't know how many of you know David's brother, Bryan but he doesn't typically start a conversation. He is one that sits and listens while everyone else is talking. 
Well the day after we got home from the hospital David's parents and Bryan came over for supper. While David's mom was getting the food ready I was just chilling on the couch. I think I was listening to the conversation going on in the kitchen when out of the blue Bryan, who was sitting in the chair next to me, asked me in a "so how's the weather been" kind of voice: " So Twa, how's your diarrhea?"  WHAT?!?! I was so shocked I didn't even know what to say. "Oh it's doing good" πŸ˜‚
The only reason we could think of that he would have asked a question like that is he may have over heard someone say my bottom was sore and apparently he associates sore bottoms with diarrhea.

Hungary '18.. Part 2 "Week One"

Adrenaline Rush 
A physical feeling of intense excitement and stimulation caused by the release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands.
"Victoria has an adrenaline rush every time she gets to Èrsekcsanad."

From the airport it is a 2.5hr drive to my grandma's house. As kids we would always fall asleep on the way and when we woke up there was a bunch of people staring at us lol.Now I love to be awake! When I start recognizing places I know we are getting close!

There is usually a bunch of people waiting for us at Anyuka's when we arrive. It is a rush of hugs and excitment! 

First glances at the baby!

 My aunt, Timea, always prepares a huge meal for us! Chicken Soup is of course the first course. 
Lillian's favorite is the chicken feet.

David trying the chicken feet

Anyuka's first time holding her first great-grand child

Now lets just all be honest here..once you have a baby no one cares about you anymore

We usually arrive with enough time to make it to the Sunday evening singing. David was super tired and didn't go. I always go so I can see all my friends/family! Everyone always says "You must be so tired!" But I get such a rush of adrenaline that I just keep going going going till my head hits the pillow!
This time there was a wedding that day and so there was a huge singing and oh my was it beautiful!!
This is one of my favorite songs but they only sing it at weddings so I was so excited that we were in the balcony and I was able to record it!

Monday morning's pretty much my favorite meal of the day there..fresh bread from the bakery every day!

On Tuesday my uncle took David, David & Lillian, Andy and a couple cousins to Poland where they went to Auschwitz-I will do a separate post on that. 

Almost every day we were invited to someone's house for lunch.

One day we went to some cousins' house for lunch and ended up eating supper there too!
Andy and one of the boys, Medi are best friends. 

And over course we enjoyed getting to spend lots of time with uncle David and aunt Lilly

Shopping day!

Lunch at my Uncle's

A little unsure about doing palinka(their version of vodka) shots to "keep from getting sick"

Living in the same house as your grandchild for 2 weeks is every first time grandma's dream come true! Now living in the same house as your grandchild for 2 weeks while you are sick and can't touch the baby is every first time grandma's nightmare come true.
Needless to say my mom was pretty thrilled when after almost a week she finally got to hold Reese!

I love pretty much every thing about Hungary. I love being there. I love the people. I love the town. I love the singings. I love that we have so much family there. But one thing I don't think I will ever learn to love is fish soup πŸ˜–. It is a Hungarian delicacy. They make it outside in a huge pot. Once it is done cooking they bring it in and fish out all the fish(pun intended!). After eating the soup you are supposed to eat the fish. yuck.

Kinda hard to eat when there's a fish staring at you..

I think Reese is well on his way to loving Hungary like his mommy :)

My youngest cousin LOVES babies so she was in heaven!

Can't even talk yet everywhere he goes a crowd is sure to follow.

After 1 week David & Lillian and Andy headed back to the states.
One last night in town before they leave.

Goodbyes are never easy..

Part 3 "Auschwitz" coming soon